The Solitude Compact Everyday Carry Case What can I say about this glorious build, probably one of my favourite builds of the year, has a real head runner look to it. I wanted to build a bag which emulated a fantastical window possibly from a ruined cathedral looking out onto the moors. Made with stunning leathers and proper stainless steel hardware, this will be the talking point wherever you go. The tops are removable if needed or desired and the way I built them will last forever if cared for. Dimensions are 24cm / 20 / 9 Each side has real embroidered material inlayed under the gusset, for the sole reason of looking pretty:) On top of the flap is an antique silver filigree brooch repurposed to compliment the overall vibe of the build. This really is a special bag with a huge amount of detail and time gone into its creation.

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  • Return Policy: Returns are fine on non custom work, if the issue is the workmanship you are entitled to recieve a refund. However of you change you mind after 2 days a store credit note will be given.

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